Internet Solutions for Small Business. Free consultations are available.
Internet Solutions, Website Design, IT Consultancy, Data Handling Solutions, E-commerce
Public Relations and Marketing. We'll help you get your message across.
Management Consultancy for the 21st Century. We can advise you on business development and the effect e-business will have on your future.
Education Services. Includes links to the best education sites through ERN.
Our Mission Statement

Tel: 01254 301569 or 0705 018 8707. Email:

Mission Statement

Omega Alpha Limited is a Creative Arts and Technology Company focusing on Information Technology and the use of Internet applications within business and management. We also offer a range of other services from Management Consultancy and Education to PR and Marketing.

Principal Employees:
Managing Director - Dr Simon Nicholas Davey
Director - Mr Michael Hall
Head of Information Technology - Dr Jan Axelsson
(The company acknowledges the virtual nature of its workforce).

Mission Statement:
A creative arts and technology company recognizing the virtual nature of management structure and the symbiotic relationship between the arts, science, technology and those individuals who develop and work within the respective fields.

Omega Alpha seeks to promote those disciplines, educate across multi-disciplinary boundaries and cultures and exploit any resulting profits for the greater good of its workforce and for mankind as a whole.

The company was primarily set up to manage a virtual network of teenage, twenty- and thirty- somethings who possess sufficient expertise in their individual fields and wish to promote it within a more diverse company structure whilst minimising the constraints of administration.

Omega Alpha's raison d'etre is a symbiosis of artists, technologists and managers working towards a greater whole. The company also seeks to promote the view that the commercial exploitation of products, services and personnel will generate funds which can be used in other elements of the company and for the promotion and support of ethical causes outside the company.

Strategic Partnerships:
Omega Alpha are looking for strategic partners with a view to developing business opportunities for mutual benefit. If you are interested in working with us, please call Dr Simon N Davey on 0705 018 8707 or email

Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 0BE.
Tel: 01254 301569 - Email: